No.44 Pudupet Street,Alandur,Chennai-16
Call Us: +91-91760 23185 | +91-44 4558 3679
The students are expected to be present on the re-opening and closing day of the school.It is compulsory for every student to attend the morning assembly
The school values the involvement of parents and recognises the importance of building a partnership between home and school. Parents are always welcome to visit the school
Our Primary School education system encourages all children at different levels.When there is joy in what they are doing, they learn to love learning.
Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value. Since this is the essence of learning, the creativity and originality of our students is constantly encouraged through our individualized approach to student expression, our building design, and the multiple resources that students at 'AIM' use to produce evidence of learning.
Building an inclusive community that shares a common vision is at the heart of providing an educational experience to our students . Community building in and outside of the school through friendly competitions, educational events, and involving parents in understanding curriculum objectives is a corner-stone of our School.
The ability to think critically is one of the most important life skills that children learn at our School. Through the promotion of independent thinking, personal autonomy, problem solving, and reasoning, students learn critical thinking skills that allow them to analyze facts and opinions, and draw value judgments.